Codepunkt | Entity-Code | Symbol | Name | Block | Kategorie | Version |
178 | ² | ² | SUPERSCRIPT TWO | Latin-1 Supplement | No | 1.1 |
179 | ³ | ³ | SUPERSCRIPT THREE | Latin-1 Supplement | No | 1.1 |
185 | ¹ | ¹ | SUPERSCRIPT ONE | Latin-1 Supplement | No | 1.1 |
8304 | ⁰ | ⁰ | SUPERSCRIPT ZERO | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8308 | ⁴ | ⁴ | SUPERSCRIPT FOUR | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8309 | ⁵ | ⁵ | SUPERSCRIPT FIVE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8310 | ⁶ | ⁶ | SUPERSCRIPT SIX | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8311 | ⁷ | ⁷ | SUPERSCRIPT SEVEN | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8312 | ⁸ | ⁸ | SUPERSCRIPT EIGHT | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8313 | ⁹ | ⁹ | SUPERSCRIPT NINE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8314 | ⁺ | ⁺ | SUPERSCRIPT PLUS SIGN | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8315 | ⁻ | ⁻ | SUPERSCRIPT MINUS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8316 | ⁼ | ⁼ | SUPERSCRIPT EQUALS SIGN | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8317 | ⁽ | ⁽ | SUPERSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Ps | 1.1 |
8318 | ⁾ | ⁾ | SUPERSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Pe | 1.1 |
8320 | ₀ | ₀ | SUBSCRIPT ZERO | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8321 | ₁ | ₁ | SUBSCRIPT ONE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8322 | ₂ | ₂ | SUBSCRIPT TWO | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8323 | ₃ | ₃ | SUBSCRIPT THREE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8324 | ₄ | ₄ | SUBSCRIPT FOUR | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8325 | ₅ | ₅ | SUBSCRIPT FIVE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8326 | ₆ | ₆ | SUBSCRIPT SIX | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8327 | ₇ | ₇ | SUBSCRIPT SEVEN | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8328 | ₈ | ₈ | SUBSCRIPT EIGHT | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8329 | ₉ | ₉ | SUBSCRIPT NINE | Superscripts and Subscripts | No | 1.1 |
8330 | ₊ | ₊ | SUBSCRIPT PLUS SIGN | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8331 | ₋ | ₋ | SUBSCRIPT MINUS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8332 | ₌ | ₌ | SUBSCRIPT EQUALS SIGN | Superscripts and Subscripts | Sm | 1.1 |
8333 | ₍ | ₍ | SUBSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Ps | 1.1 |
8334 | ₎ | ₎ | SUBSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS | Superscripts and Subscripts | Pe | 1.1 |
8706 | ∂ | ∂ | PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Operators | Sm | 1.1 |
8711 | ∇ | ∇ | NABLA | Mathematical Operators | Sm | 1.1 |
8734 | ∞ | ∞ | INFINITY | Mathematical Operators | Sm | 1.1 |
120513 | 𝛁 | 𝛁 | MATHEMATICAL BOLD NABLA | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120539 | 𝛛 | 𝛛 | MATHEMATICAL BOLD PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120571 | 𝛻 | 𝛻 | MATHEMATICAL ITALIC NABLA | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120597 | 𝜕 | 𝜕 | MATHEMATICAL ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120629 | 𝜵 | 𝜵 | MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC NABLA | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120655 | 𝝏 | 𝝏 | MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120687 | 𝝯 | 𝝯 | MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD NABLA | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120713 | 𝞉 | 𝞉 | MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120745 | 𝞩 | 𝞩 | MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC NABLA | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
120771 | 𝟃 | 𝟃 | MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | Sm | 3.1 |
C-Id | C-Name | Anzahl | Quote |
No | Number, Other | 20 | 46,51 % |
Ps | Punctuation, Open | 2 | 4,65 % |
Pe | Punctuation, Close | 2 | 4,65 % |
Sm | Symbol, Math | 19 | 44,19 % |
4 Kategorien | ∑ 43 |
Blockname | Anzahl | Quote |
Latin-1 Supplement | 3 | 6,98 % |
Superscripts and Subscripts | 27 | 62,79 % |
Mathematical Operators | 3 | 6,98 % |
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | 10 | 23,26 % |
4 Blöcke | ∑ 43 |
© 2003-2025 Jürgen Auer, Berlin